Dragon Ball Z Hentai

DragonBall Porn Story: The Pain she felt

DragonBall Porn Story: The Pain she felt

The sound of the headboard against the wall made her wince; the banging would most certainly wake up Tyson this time. Only the fact that his infant daughter had kept him up all last night kept him asleep through their (mostly her) gasps and moans. Tired though he may be, she didn’t think he would sleep though the banging against the wall separating their two rooms.

“Kai,” she gasped out, mostly in pleasure but also in warning. He was being too rough again, thrusting above her hard enough to shake the bed and send the headboard crashing into the thin motel walls. Fortunately her lover was quite perceptive in almost all things. Removing a hand from under her thigh, he brought it up to grip the railing on the headboard, skimming her side as he did so.

Gripping the bar in one hand prevented it from snapping back against the wall, but also gave Kai more leverage to thrust into her harder. Which he did. With zeal.

His new pace slammed his pelvis into her own. Each time they collided, she felt him hit that special spot inside her – hard – and put pressure against her clit. She cursed. There was no way she would be able to walk right tomorrow. “Kai, please.” She begged.

He kissed her to silence her protests and Bulma was lost to the soft feel of his lips. She had never imagined how soft they would be before they began sleeping together –fucking, she corrected herself, for there was no way what they did together could be called anything that implied it was in anyway tender. Kai was as fierce in bed ,Bulla always found her release forced upon her with the same kind of intensity he would deal a killing blow.

Bulma ran her fingers through his hair, taking what little tenderness she could from his lips. At the feel of her fingers on his scalp, Kai moaned into her mouth and tightened his grip on her buttocks. Bulla gasped into his mouth as a result, feeling her stomach tighten in anticipation of her orgasm.

Kai’s hand left her backside and he pulled himself up on his knees, leaning over her upper body as his hand stilled the headboard. Bulla groaned in frustration. She should have known. Kai never let her get anywhere near release until he wanted her there. In some ways, Bulla enjoyed being dominated by him. she really wished he would allow her to show him how much she loved him, even if he didn’t feel the same.

Bulma wasn’t stupid. She knew that this meant many things to him, but not one of them was about love.

Her body was rocked with the force of his thrusts and she stopped thinking at the sight of him. It was so erotic. His dark red eyes were boring into her with more intensity than his hips. His light and dark blue hair brushed the sides of his face and his lips were parted as he panted above her. His upper body glistened slightly with a thin layer of sweat and she was mesmerized with the sight of his abdominal muscles bunching and flexing. Moving lower, she blushed at the sight of him disappearing into her below her small tuft of blue curls. Even after they’d done this so many times, she still found herself blushing. The sight was just too erotic. The sounds, too, as their body slapped together, the slightly wet noises their parts made, the sound of her thighs sliding against him, the creaks and protests of the cheap bed, the sound of her heart in her ears, all made her mouth go dry. She gulped, and again she felt her muscles begin to tighten and clamp down.

“Please Kai,” she begged, hoping he’d let her come this time. She saw him smirk. He was such a bastard. He enjoyed toying with her. In retaliation, she dug her nails into his buttocks, the slight pain made his jaw drop and the air rush from his lungs. She loved it when he did that. It was her turn to smirk, but she didn’t get time, he stilled in her and slowed, trying to gain some control. The change of pace was enough to allow her orgasm to rush through her. She felt her muscles clamp down on Kai and heard his gasp as he felt her walls contracting. His thrusts came to a stop and she felt him shaking above her, before, with one hard thrust in time to her contractions, he came inside her. The feeling as his cock spasmed insider her made her soar higher, tearing the air from her so she emitted a silent scream. She felt wetness inside of her before Kai nearly collapsed over her, panting heavily.

She loved this part almost as much as the actual sex. Kai braced himself on his forearms above her, head resting on her shoulder. His breath tickled her neck and she could feel his softening manhood still inside her. Reverently, she ran her hands over his sweat-cooled skin, feeling content. These were the moments she cherished. Laying with their bodies still connected, she could imagine that he loved her; that they were the ones kept up all night by a colicky baby.

She felt Kai’s lips on her again, covering the fading mark where her neck and shoulder met. She felt him nip and suck the skin there, re-applying his mark on her. She had to stop her legs from wrapping around his waist and indulging him again. “ Kai-kun,” She protested.

“Bulma.” He practically purred her name. Bastard. He knew the effect that had on her. He so rarely said anything during sex and if he did, it was usually some variation of a curse word. The sound of her name on his lips had the power to make her come instantly. With their chests so close, she practically felt him say it. She would have come again if she hadn’t just done so a minute ago.

She knew he was trying to entice her again. Usually, she would give in. But, as it was, she’d be sore in the morning from round one. Round two would most defiantly make traveling difficult. She was loathed to show such weakness in front of him. Fortunately, she had logic on her side.

“Kai-kun, we can’t. You won’t have time to go back to your room and shower before Tyson wakes up.”

Kai sighed, and pulled out. She felt the loss of him almost immediately, both in her bed and in her body. Turning her head she watched him collect his pants form the floor, his pale, perfect skin beautiful by the dim light of the full moon. A ghostly specter to haunt her dreams tonight. Wordlessly, he dressed and left her room.

For an instant, she felt moisture prick at the back of her eyes, and cursed herself. Why couldn’t she just have yielded to him, even to keep him within arm’s reach for a few more moments? Bulla allowed herself one tear, for she knew that this was coming. This was how it went with them. He’d set her ablaze with passion during the cold hours of the night, and then treat her with icy indifference during the harsh light of day. And like a ghost, his attentions were unpredictable. Who knew when he’d visit her bed again? With a sniff, she collected the solitary tear with one delicate finger.

This was what he did. He left, but he always came back; to home, to her. In the past couple of years he never strayed to anyone else for what he was getting from her. That had to count for something right? Letting that be her comforting thought, she rose from the bed and headed for the bathroom. A hot bath would be just what she needed to wash away the ache he left.

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